‘A’ is for UCC Acosta
UCC Acosta: Milwaukee’s First WaterMark!
UCC Acosta Middle School is the proud location of Milwaukee's first WaterMark, a physical marker that reminds us all how water connects and sustains city life and a symbol of our mutual commitment to take care of the precious resource. In spring 2018, Acosta students and community members came together to decide what letter will represent the school on the marker. Check out the video by Reflo's Michael Snowden to see what led to resounding support for the letter "A."
“A+ grade, aquatic, arts, agua, advantages, Acosta ... 21 votes. I think “A” has it!” - Ms. Shannon Olson, UCC Acosta teacher.
In May 2018, students and community gathered at UCC Acosta Middle School to share perspectives from three earlier neighborhood walks on water history, green infrastructure, and our urban relationship to water.
Acosta Chooses their WaterMark Letter!

Ms. Shannon Olson's students at UCC Acosta Middle School interviewed family members to discover and share how water connects and enriches our lives. Below enjoy six interviews from spring 2018.

Illustrated by Destiny Sosa.

Illustrated by Claudia Silveyra.

Illustrated by Daisy Montes.

Illustrated by Andrez Coronado.

Illustrated by Mariana Espinoza.

Illustrated by Teresa Padilla.